Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Let's Get This Party Started!

So…It’s about time that we start this blog. This is Mommie’s attempt to chronicle life in the Clark (Stewart-Clark) household. It’s been long overdue. Just a few months ago, prior to the baby being born, I vowed I’d take a shot at being more….domesticated? So I first went out on a mission to purchase a scrapbook for each of the boys. After spending about an hour staring at different colored paper, stencils, raised sticky stickers and the like, I decided those decisions were to great for me to deal with at the time. Any anyone who knows me really well, knows what a difficult time I have making decisions. My mother (MiMi) will blame that on my astrological sign...LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a compromise with myself, so as to not feel extremely guilty about one day not having said scrapbook to produce when one of the kids gets married, goes off to college, or just wonders if we really did throw them a first birthday party, I decided to purchase scrapbook envelopes instead. For me, it was a much easier alternative. And besides that, they were only $1 each! I figured that as things scrapbook worthy were collected, I’d just put them in the scrapbook envelope, and then at the end of each year, funnel through those items and make a real scrapbook. Well, that idea has gone okay, I guess, in that I actually DO put things in the boys’ envelopes (things like keepsakes from trips with MiMi, and various “firsts”, though I cannot specifically recall exactly what is in either of those envelopes). Within the past week, I’ve become addicted to other blogs and figured that starting a family blog would be a great way to archive those memories, and moreover, would be an even better way for me to try to improve my memory. For some reason my memory is horrible--perhaps because my daily work requires way too many neuronal connections. But I have yet to really figure that out. That’s a different story for another day.

I have to mention that as part of my blogging addiction, I spent several hours of my time--which should have been spent in more philosophical endeavors (i.e. working) —trying to select a cool name for the blog site. Here are those that didn’t make the cut and were voted off by members on the island.

1. Commenting on the clarks (I really liked this one, but that was one of the first ideas, and we NEVER use first ideas…there’s always better).
2. the clarks [inaudible]. I really like that one too, but every “user” knows that you can’t have any special characters like brackets in a url, right? Right :). The [inaudible] thing is an inside joke. It’s what daddy and I have recently used as responses to our conversations with Adrian and with each other when we can’t understand (in the first case) or hear (in the second case) what's being said.

Okay…now the really not so good ones

3. Clarkthoughts
4. clarkfalutin
5. clarkalimma
6. kimichiclarks…..we really do like kimchi a lot, but we’re not really a Korean family, per se
7. clarksoup…a stab at implying that we are an interracial family
8. clarkwire
9. clarknet

#8 and #9 for my husband and all other computer geeks

10. clarksmitten…it was okay if you read it clark smitten, as in you can’t resist us, but when crammed together, as would be in a url (internet address) it could also be clark’s mitten….and that just wouldn’t make much sense.
11. ulovetheclarks…this too was okay, but there was already an existing site called “lovetheclarks” and I didn’t want people to get their pannies in a bunch if they left of that initial consonant
12. clarked……like “smurfed”….as in an action first glance...stupid...after a few more seconds....really stupid

Forgot one

13. ClarkLOL, as in clark laugh out loud...well it only looked cool with LOL in caps, and like many of the other loosing titles just didn't have that je ne sais quoi.

I have lots that I want to discuss and be able to catch-up on, in terms of all of our experiences and perspectives as a family.